This is what he calls "Work"....looks like a good video game to me!
Ok..I better go find my seat and let the Captain get to flying...
Well, we made it to 3 years of wonderful marital bliss!! We decided that this year, so we could actually be together on our anniversary, that I would go to work with him. So, that is what I did. I went to work with him over the weekend and went on all of his flights with him. This was the 1st time anyone in our entire family has flown on a commercial flight with our favorite pilot at the controls. It was very fun. And to answer his never ending question of the weekend - No, I'm not tired of flying or airports yet. Not even close!! Here is a rundown of what we did:
Friday, I flew from Dallas to St. Louis. There I picked up his flight and we went to Dayton, Ohio, where we spent the night. He then had me walk 1 mile from the hotel for dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. Oh what a glorious walk. Those of you who know me - know that I don't exercise and walking isn't one of my favorite pasttimes. Plus, I had just walked 32 miles throughout airports. But, if we wanted to eat - that is what we had to do. We were staying at a Hampton Inn, and I soon discovered that not all Hampton's have changed over to the new "Cloud Nine" beds. If any of you plan on traveling to Dayton - and want to sleep - avoid this hotel. The bed was horrible, and neither of us slept well at all. So we woke up Saturday - and were exhausted. We spent the day in Dayton on Saturday - which was our anniversary. We had our anniv. lunch at Bob Evans Restaurant (cross between Owen's and a Denny's).
When we went to work that day - we flew from Dayton back to St. Louis - and then from St. Louis to Minneapolis/St. Paul. That is where we spent Saturday night. Once we finally got to our hotel (after a 45 minute wait on the shuttle...don't ask Bryan about it....he's still mad) we went to dinner at about 10pm. We had our romantic anniv dinner at - Denny's. When then had to go to bed - cause we had an early morning on Sunday.
Sunday - we got up and caught a shuttle to the airport at 8am, I had a 9:25 flight back to St. Louis. Bryan took me to the airport - even though his flight didn't leave until 1:35. I flew back to St. Louis - and then caught a 12:00 flight back to reality. Or, I could say back to Hellxas....man it's hot here!! When we left Minneapolis - it was 61 degrees. When I stepped out of the airport in Texas - it felt like an oven!! I could have done without that welcome back home.
Here are some of things I learned this weekend:
And most of all
Also, something interesting (to me at least) - the entire weekend - everytime I was on the plane flying - I kept thinking about both of my grandmothers who have passed away. I can't explain why - but when I would look out the window into the clouds - I would think of them. I know the passengers near me thought I was crazy, a few times I did get teary-eyed. Maybe being up 30,000 feet made me feel closer to them - or maybe they were just trying in their little way to let me know they are happy and together, playing domino's in Heaven.
This was after our rain the other day - the first time Mr. Harley has seen rain - and he barked at it.
The girls took him out to play in it - and then brought him in and gave him a bath. You can really tell who rules our house during the day!
This is the man who didn't want a dog......my 2 favorite boys
Even Marmalade can't resist the cuteness that is Harley. Ok...she really can - but he loves her so much!! He's keeping an eye on his big sister while she sleeps....such the gentleman.
I decided to create this blog to update everyone on the crazy life that is the Klein household.
With 2 teen-aged girls, a 9 year old girl, a pilot, a cat, 2 dogs, and about 200 gallons worth of fish - things can get interesting. And that doesn't even cover me!! We will try to keep you updated on the interesting things that happen in our lives.
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