Here are some that I took - for fun - that I thought were good...
Family pictures
Posted in on by The MOMWell, it's that time of the year. It's a sad statement, but the 5 of us are very rarely together in one place at one time -for more than a couple of hours. And it's impossible for me to get any good photos of us all. However, at Thanksgiving every year, I insist that we get a family photo. It's usually a battle, and there are casualties each year - but in the end I get my family photo. Usually, there is maybe 1 good one for me to choose....but I'm happy to get that one. This year, there were battles, and oddly enough - it wasn't from the teenagers - it was from the little one. Kaylin will never be a model - she HATES having her picture taken. She got so mad at me she almost couldn't stand it. I did manage some good shots of her, but not nearly what I wanted. I guess beggars can't be choosers. Anyway, below you will find some of the shots from that day. They were taken in Rowlett at Bryan's parents house.
More Halloween fun
Posted in on by The MOM Glorianna - Tayler - and Kati (Tayler was a graveyard fairy and Kati - well she was sick so she didn't really dress up)
Part of our haunted porch - as reference in the post below
Part of our haunted porch - as reference in the post below
Keep in mind - it was totally dark - the flash brightened it up (and made it not as scary)
My invisible man waiting to scare the kids
Dry ice doesn't last as long as he had hoped
Halloween fun
Posted in on by The MOMWell, another Halloween has come and gone. Luckily this year, Bryan was actually home for his favorite holiday - and didn't have to pretend his Pilot's uniform was a costume. He spent well over 4 hours yesterday fixing up our front porch. He had it all blocked off with black plastic, so you had to enter into the plastic to get your candy. He then changed our porch light bulb to a black light, and added scary music/sounds. For the finishing touch - Dry ice!! It created a nice haze of smoke. Needless to say - I had to chase more than a few frightened little kids down the street to give them their candy. They didn't want to have anything to do with the scary house.
We also, for the first time, had Kaylin this year!! Imagine that - our entire family all together for a fun holiday!! The only little blurp was Kati being sick. She stayed home from school yesterday with a fever and a sore throat. She didn't want to go trick or treating last night, since she didn't feel well. Bryan and I didn't want her to feel left out, so we kept pushing her to go. We finally convinced her to take Kaylin around the block, and since she was going, she might as well put part of her costume on and take her bag too. So, she did get some candy. She didn't seem disappointed though, she loved handing out candy on our scary porch!!
Here are some pictures. Keep in mind - the flash lit up the porch - so you need to envision it totally dark.
In the dark - Bryan's mask appeared black - and made him virtually invisible - until he wanted you to see him. And I didn't realize my black cat costume was scary - until kids screamed.
Our Bat Girl
I' m having a problem getting the other pictures to load. I will keep trying and post them when I can.
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