An old saddle found in the red barn

Whit, my dad, Sam (gran's other brother), Jerry, Lisa and Christie (hidden behind Lisa)

The old red Ford truck - buried in the yard
My mom standing in the cellar (she was cold obviously)
These pictures were taken out at my cousin Sammie and his wife Duane's house. They have 4 sons: River and Montana (twins), Clancy and Oakley. They have a cattle ranch, along with numerous horses. They have several teams of Belgium Work Horses, two of which we were feeding.

I just thought this was a beautiful picture
Another of the Belgiums
This is River's bull - who doesn't like anyone except River. He sure gave us the stare-down!
Tayler and I spent the night with Sam and Naomi. Sam is my gran's younger brother. When we visit our family, we almost always stay with them. It's really like going home for me. Sunday morning Tayler and I went out with Sam to feed his horses. We had to leave before he fed the cattle. They live on 1500+ acres of land.

View back up towards the house

One of the cows waiting for us to leave so Sam will feed him.
This is - Dog. He is in charge of Mitchell Ranch Security.
And he also tests the horse's water to make sure it's drinkable.
Sam telling Dog what a good job he does
Let's go
This is.....Jackpot. Jackpot is Sammie's (Sam and Naomi's son) registered Paint. Jackpot is also the infamous horse who threw me off 3 years ago while he was at a dead run. I think of Jackpot every morning when I wake up and can barely move.
I think he remembers me!