There was a fire right behind our house last night!! The field between our house and 380 caught on fire. It was very scary. The 3 of us were sitting on the couch going over Kati’s high school course selection, and I looked out back and saw the flames! We all ran out and then Bryan took off down the street telling the neighbors. Kati and I had the hose over the fence spraying the ground right behind our house!! It took over 10 minutes for the fire trucks to get there (damn country!) – but they brought several! My friend Wendy and 2 other ladies were leaving Providence when they saw it – and they took off for our house. The 3 of them didn’t knock, just came running through our house into the back yard, they wanted to make sure we were ok. It was funny, they all came out screaming..Phyllis…Bryan….Oh my God! Wendy was on the phone with 911 asking what was taking so long. Kati also had 2 friends who couldn’t get a hold of her (her phone was surgically removed and left inside the house) – so they all had their moms drive them over to check on her. It got pretty close – it hit the tree line behind our house. Which right behind our fence is that dry creek bed – and then the trees – and then the field. So it was pretty close! It was wild – watching the fire move so quickly – and the wind wasn’t helping. We could tell when it gusted – the flames got bigger and moved faster. Luckily it was put out before it reached anyone’s fence, so no property damage.

And this is what it looks like today...