The girls of summer

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, my laptop went on the fritz. It is now holding all of my stuff hostage. I'm getting a new one this week, and will try to get the stuff off my old one as well.

Things here are good for us. Tayler has been with us visiting for about 2 weeks now. She is doing good!! Last week we went back to Turner Falls with my parents. I have tons of pictures of that - but haven't gotten them on yet. I will soon.

In the meantime, I took all 3 girls out yesterday for some pictures. It's rare that they are all together anymore, and we hadn't had good pictures of them in awhile. I tried to get the best I could, but with 3 girls it can be...trying. Here are the best of the crop.

Tayler - almost 16 (in October)
Kati - almost 14 (in August)
Kaylin - just turned 8

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