Family Bonding at it's best

Saturday was a fun day. My dad, Bryan and I went to the indoor shooting range. We spent a couple of hours there shooting - of which I totally kicked their butts. ;) I now have Bryan thoroughly scared to make me mad - I'm a really accurate shot!

Today we went back - not to shoot - but to purchase. I got my late Christmas present - a Springfield Armory XD9. I love it! It's much better suited for me than the Ruger or 357 that we have now. Bryan will get his late Christmas present soon - a Glock 17. They were out of them today, so he has to wait.

My new baby

See that's mine

Notice all the shots are in the red? Again...all me!


We seriously have the best friends/neighbors that anyone can ask for! The week of Christmas, we were surprised 3 times by a knock at the door. Below is what was on the other side of our door. (I guess next year I need to get busy!!)

Cookies that Alasdair Green and his daughters made for us

8 hour spice cookies that Jen Dodson and her sons made for us

Candied Bacon (otherwise known as Crack Bacon) that Kate and her family made for us

Christmas Day at Grandma Billie's house

We always go to Bryan's grandmothers house on Christmas day for dinner. She is a wonderful cook!! She makes gravy that would seriously make dirt taste good! I look forward to her meals all year long!
Anyway, here are some random photos. Kaylin was in charge of the camera, so with the exception of the first picture and the one with her in it, she took the rest. I actually have about 100 pictures from this event, but she discovered the zoom lens on my camera - and most are extreme closeups. So I picked out the few that were suitable.

The 4 Klein siblings: Sandy, Pat, Jim and Diane


Me and Bryan

Mommy's girl!

Kaylin and I

Christmas Eve at Bryan's Parents House

We spent Christmas Eve with Bryan's family. First, we went to his parents house that day for lunch/presents with his parents and brother's family. It was the 3 of us, Tayler and Kati were with their dad, Pat & Bonnie, Chris, Liz and Loralye. It was great to be able to visit and just relax...for a little while at least.

Kaylin with her Webkinz from Uncle Chris and Aunt Liz.

Loralye looking like she wants to run away from Nana and Opa's house.

The Santa hat got passed around.

Kaylin's turn.

And my turn...

Chris and Liz

Me and Bryan

Loralye and Kaylin opening presents.

Cousins in front of the tree.

Opa, Kaylin, and Nana

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