Well, we decided while Kati was home for the weekend to dye her hair. She now has fuschia colored hair!! She loves it. I have such colorful children.
Bryan took her back to her dad's last night. She has 1 more week with him before she comes home for good. Bryan took her home on the motorcycle. Imagine her dad's look when she pulls up on the back of a motorcycle, pulls off her helmet to reveal a pink camoflauge do-rag (which is mine thank you very much!) - and then pulls that off to reveal her fuschia hair!! I'm sure he was just thrilled.
Oh, and on Bryan's way home he was witness to the slow speed police chase that went through our area last night. He was getting onto Hwy20 at Matlock in Arlington. He saw all of the people on the overpass and embankment going down to the road. Since he was on our motorcycle, with no radio - he didn't know what was happening. He just thought maybe it was a parade of some sort. Then, after getting onto the highway - he saw the 18 wheeler coming towards him, being followed by multiple cop cars and the 2 Armored Personnel Carriers. Since this was Arlington - he wasn't too surprised to see this kind of thing. He didn't realize until he got home and saw that Tayler and I were watching it on tv - what he had actually witnessed.
I love her hair...grandmother
nicee kati
<3 deborah
Love the hair!!! What did you guys use?
thanx everyone! i loved my hair 2!
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