This week is a crazy one! On Monday, Tayler had to go through the 6 hour glucose tolerance test. She and I were at the lab from 8am, to 2:30pm. She could not eat or drink anything - and was stuck with a needle and had blood drawn - 7 times!! She was not happy. Her arms were very sore that night and the next day.
Today we took her back to The Mech Center in Plano for her QEEG. This is the test that will measure her brainwaves and see what is going on - or not going on. They said the information from her test today is being sent to a specialist in Colorado, who will read the results and come back with a recommendation. We go back next Wednesday morning to get the results from both tests this week. I will let you know.
Here she is getting her Cyborg implants put in for the QEEG....

Also this week, Pat comes home from Iraq for a visit!! We are all very excited to see him, as he left the week after Thanksgiving. He will be here for the weekend which is his 60th birthday - and then he and Bonnie will leave for Jamaica. He has 2 weeks off and then has to return to Iraq until December. We are very anxious to see him! I'm sure I will have pictures to post after Saturday.
I hope everyone is having a good week!