Today we took her back to The Mech Center in Plano for her QEEG. This is the test that will measure her brainwaves and see what is going on - or not going on. They said the information from her test today is being sent to a specialist in Colorado, who will read the results and come back with a recommendation. We go back next Wednesday morning to get the results from both tests this week. I will let you know.
Here she is getting her Cyborg implants put in for the QEEG....

Also this week, Pat comes home from Iraq for a visit!! We are all very excited to see him, as he left the week after Thanksgiving. He will be here for the weekend which is his 60th birthday - and then he and Bonnie will leave for Jamaica. He has 2 weeks off and then has to return to Iraq until December. We are very anxious to see him! I'm sure I will have pictures to post after Saturday.
I hope everyone is having a good week!
Uuugh, that sucks she has to go through that. Tell her she's braver than me, I would have yakked everywhere. :)
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