Ta da...

Well, I guess it was inevitable - I was gonna be casted. I went to the Ortho. Surgeon today. He did more xrays, and said the ankle bone is broken - and the ligament damage isn't as bad as it could be. He said the swelling doesn't concern him - anytime you break a bone there will be swelling. He said no need for surgery - as long as I follow his instructions, I should heal fine.

His instructions were however - no work until after he sees me again - in 3 weeks. He said I have to stay off of it and not try and put any weight on it for the 3 weeks. He said I need to continue to keep it up so the swelling will go down.

I'm not sure about the no work for 3 weeks thing. If I do follow that - we will have to cancel our vacation - as I'm sure my boss won't like me being off for 1 month and then coming back to go on vacation. Not to mention, I will have to use up all my vacation/sick/personal time to stay home and get paid. So, we shall see.


My mind said...
11:03 AM

at least its pink ... ;)

I hope it heals sooner than they expect and I hope you can find a way to go on vacation, still.

The Brat Pack said...
12:59 PM

Uuugh, I just saw this. How are you feeling? That totally sucks about vacation. :(

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