Kati and Cross Country

Kati just finished up her 4th, and final, Cross Country track meet. The runs were 1.5 miles. She did great! Below are her results:

In each meet - there were approx. 40 girls. The final meet tonight was an all district - so there were about 70 girls total.

1st week - 19th out of 40
2nd week - 12th out of 40
3rd week - 3rd out of 40
4th week - 3rd out of 70

She did so great - we are very proud of her!!! Next up is Track and Field. Stay tuned to see how well she does with that!


Anonymous said...
8:49 AM

She did great! But you're in trouble now, if she runs from you, you won't be able to catch her!


The Brat Pack said...
9:47 AM

Wow, she did great. That must come from her Dad's side. ;)


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