Tayler is home and trying to adjust. She is doing well at home, but is having a very hard time with school. If we can just get her through the rest of this year, next should be better. Her meds have been adjusted so we shall see what that does. Please keep us in your prayers!
Kati has a formal dance this Friday night. We went dress shopping last night. I will post pictures this weekend. She is going with a group of friends - I don't think it's cool to go with boys yet - you go with your friends and meet up with the boys there. Which is fine by us!
Kaylin was here a couple of weeks ago for the weekend. She has finally given in and decided riding a bike isn't so bad. She now cruises down our street on only 2 wheels - and is learning the fine art of stopping, starting, and turning around!
Bryan has been busy getting our saltwater reef tank set up going. We have had live rock in it for about 3-4 weeks now. This past weekend we went and bought some "cleaners". We got 1 shrimp (whom Tayler named Ringo), 15 crabs and 20 snails. Hopefully soon we'll get more excitign stuff in there.
That's all I have for now. Hopefully the next post will be more interesting!

That looks great, I wouldn't have the patience. Good thing you have B. ;)
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