Old Friends

While I was growing up, my dad's best friends were Larry and Sue Cline. They lived near him and were always together. They had a houseboat at the lake where we had a cabin, so every weekend during the summer was spent with them on the lake. Most of my childhood memories involve them in some fashion. They live in Joplin, Missouri - and I hadn't seen them in approximately 22 years. They came to Dallas last week to visit my parents and I got to spend some time with them. It was so great to see them - they both look great!! The day they left, they came out to see our house and meet Bryan. I think they wanted to meet the crazy man who willingly spends his life with me....they weren't sure he existed!

Larry, Dad, Sue

Grumpy Old Men

(although the phrase "You can't bullshit a bullshitter" comes to mind when I see this picture)

Dad, mom, Sue, Larry

Our group

Mom and Dad

Papa and Kati

Crazy Grandma and Kati

Larry (Uncle Cotton)



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