Kati's birthday

Kati turned 14 on August 25th. To celebrate, we took her and 3 friends to Medieval Times. Joining us was Tonya, Jay, Mandie and her boyfriend Cliff. We had a lot of fun!! I was a bad mom though, and didn't check the camera batteries before we left. The 4 teenage girls ran out the battteries taking pictures in the car on the way there. So, I don't have any pictures from inside. However, one of Kati's friends had her camera and we used it.....but we are still waiting on her to get us those pictures. So in the meantime, this is what I have.

Kati, Stormey, Haley, Krystal

Aren't they beautiful??

In the car - self portraits

Goofy girls

In front of the castle

All dressed up inside


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