(and by Crazies...I mean our entire family)
It's official - Becky and Bob have legally adopted Matthew!! This past Saturday was National Adoption Day, and was also their adoption day. The girls and I went to the courthouse for the occasion. It was a great day, and a very emotional one (ok Becky...maybe just for me). Becky laughed at me because I cried. But, I cried at the 2 ceremonies before his also, so we all know I'm just an emotional sap - this is not news to anyone.
Matthew (the artist formerly known as Demond) has been with Becky and Bob as a foster child for about 2 years (he just turned 3). When he came to them, he was non-verbal, wouldn't look anyone in the eyes, and always had his head and eyes down. He is such a different child now!! He is a normal happy, healthy little boy who is full of life! He talks and chatters constantly, and his giggle is completely infectious!! I'm so proud to be able to legally call him my nephew and have him as a part of our family! I know he will bring as much to our lives as we will bring to his.
Here are some pictures of the momentous day!
(and blogger is being testy...it won't let me rearrange the pictures...so they are all out of order)
It's us...remember us?
13 years ago
Congrats to the family!!!
Isn't he just the cutest thing!!!!!!!!
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