It's Christmas time again

It's that time of year again! We finally decorated our house last week and got the tree up. I guess I should say, Kati decorated the tree. She is quite the little perfectionist Martha Stewart! Tayler didn't even want to help, because she knew Kati would go behind her and "fix it". Which, is exactly what happened last year. So, we all sat back and watched Kati do the tree exactly perfect.

Also this past Saturday, Providence had it's annual tree lighting ceremony. Along with lighting the neighborhood tree, they have carolers and horse drawn carriage rides. Tayler and I hung out at home - it was too cold and crowded for us. Kati and Krystal went, and had their picture taken with Santa Clause. Kati asked for a new iPod touch and Krystal asked for a good boyfriend. They also took a ride in the carriage. I'm waiting on Kati to get me the pictures that she took, as soon as I get them, I'll post some here.


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