Loralye got to spend her first night ever away from her mommy - and chose to spend it with us!! I kept her on Sunday night so her mommy and daddy could have a very much needed night away.
I think Harley has a new best friend!!

Here Harley..here is your bite

I wasn't feeding the dog - I promise

Harley...where are you??

I'll just squeak his toy -maybe that'll bring him back

Yay!! It worked

Tayler couldn't decide whether to give the dog toy to the dog or me

I wonder what is outside of this Loralye sized door

Go get it

Give me a kiss

I love Harley kisses

and Harley loves kissing me

I really do love my Aunt Phyllis

Even if she won't put the camera down

I even perfected the Aunt Phyllis eye roll!!
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