So Kati had her doctor's appointment this morning. The doctor decided that since it was getting worse, and showed no signs of draining on it's own, that she would drain it. She gave Kati 5 or 6 shots all around the bump to try and numb it, although she said it probably wouldn't work very well - as it's very acidic and Lidocaine usually doesn't work. It did help some though, which was good. After that, she took a scalpel and sliced it open and drained it. She said the cavity was pretty deep, but she thinks she got it all. She put "dressing" into it to keep it open so the bacteria could continue to drain. We go back tomorrow morning to have the dressing changed, which she has forewarned Kati will hurt pretty bad.
So, all in all Kati is better today. Her arm isn't as sore now, and she can actually raise it some, still not anything above level though (when her arm is bent), but it's a start.
Luckily for everyone, there were no pictures of today's procedure. Although, Kati did want me to video it with my phone, but I did not.
I did get 1 shot of her with my phone while we were waiting on the doctor to come back and get started.
Karma sending good "karma waves"to Miss KatiBug.xoxoxo
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