First Football game

This past Friday night, Ryan played their first football game of the season. They won by a score of 57-14! It was a great game, and both girls enjoyed their first official night as Strutters.

I'm sure I will be posting pictures from most of the games. This Friday I'm hoping to get good video of some of the "stand dances" that the girls do, they are really cute!

Victory Lines before game - the football players run down the middle

On her way to stands after victory line

Kati's Strutter Smile - it just shines!

Tayler - running around as Manager

A shot of the group

Every time she looked over at me and I had the camera up - this is the look I got

Tayler with the Director (in red) and the Assistant Director (in white)

#40 - is Asa Logan - he is a Ryan Linebacker - and also Tayler's boyfriend

Waiting to perform at halftime

Kati and her boyfriend Taylor

Awkward picture alert!! Kati, her boyfriend Taylor, and her ex boyfriend Johnny (the first guy to ever break my baby's heart)

My beautiful girls!!

Sisters who share a love of dance


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