Day 4 - time to head home

The girls and I stayed in Ruidoso Friday night, and woke up to a snowy mess! It was still snowing, and was what the local news called "white out conditions". It was beautiful!! The girls and I ate breakfast and then headed out. Well, after we got all of the snow off the Explorer!

We were heading to Roswell to pick Bryan up and then head home. The girls both took a ton of pictures, as the snow and the mountains was the prettiest thing we had ever seen. I've put a lot of pictures in this post, although they don't do it justice.

The shoe you ask? Kati's Shox became my ice scraper

The girls in Ruidoso, right before we left

Tayler and I in our new hats. She didn't like mine, said it didn't go with my short hair. I think I might agree.

She said I looked like a cancer patient

We called these the Boob Mountains!

A little too much time in the car for Tayler!

Boredom has set in

We finally made it to Roswell where we picked up Bryan! Our girls only trip was over, but we were all so excited to have him back with us!! 1 week apart is entirely too long!!! Once we had him, we went through downtown Roswell looking for someplace to eat. We ate next door to the UFO Museum and Research Center. If you've never been there, it's a pretty neat little area to visit.

And because we are dorks....we just had to.....


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