Drill Team Camp

The girls completed their first official drill team camp. The camp was held at the Hampton Inn in Mesquite. There were 7 other squads there, all ranging in size. They had tons of fun, but it was a lot of hard work!! We are very proud of both girls for hanging in there and not giving up.

They had to be there Monday morning, and we carpooled from the school. We had to meet at the school at 6am, so everyone was up at 4am. They had to be "ready to perform" when we got there, as they would immediately perform their home routines (the Can't Buy Me Love routine) for the judges. After those were completed, they all got to work. They started learning a new Jazz routine and a new Military routine as a complete drill team group. They then split into classes where they learned 5 other new routines. The classes were based on skill level and types of dance. So they were in classes with some of their own squad, and girls from other squads. They danced/worked until after midnight on Monday night, which means the girls were up working for over 20 hours! That's pretty good for teenagers. :) Tayler said they got to bed around 1am the first night (they danced that late) and then had to be up at 5:30am the next morning. They had 4 girls to a hotel room - and 1 bathroom - you do the math on that!! The second day was learning more routines and practicing the ones they had learned the day before. It was another long day of dancing, going until 1am again. The next morning (Wed.) they had to get up just as early so they could get ready to perform all of their new routines for the judges and spectators. They basically learned about 7 routines in 2 days and then had to be judged on them. That is a lot of hard work, dancing, and nerves!!

Bryan and I went to watch their performances on Wednesday, and we very impressed!! They did great on all of their routines, and won Sweepstakes (which is the best judges score you can get) - and also a Home Routine Award.

Also - both girls were recognized. Both girls won the "Sparkle Award". It is giving to the girls who, through all of the hard work and long hours remain "radiant always", keep their smile no matter what, and exhibit good showmanship. I told them that is now actual proof that they can keep a good attitude when they are tired - so no more excuses at home. :)
Also, Kati won some individual awards. She performed 3 routines for the judges for evaluation (with her class, not really on her own) - and received a Superior award for 1 routine, and Excellent award for the other 2!!

We are so proud of both girls and all of their hard work and dedication. They are turning out to be wonderful dancers and have a great future with the Strutters!!

Kati & Tayler on morning we left for camp - this was taken at 5am. Kati has not completed her "Strutter Face" yet.
(yes...they have to wear the blue eyeshadow and bright red lipstick)

Practicing their smiles

Haley, Kati & Tayler getting their stuff out of my Jeep when we got to camp (and last minute texting)

Strutters getting last minute instructions before they enter the hotel

Tayler contemplating that there is in fact a 6am each morning during the summer!

Some of the "Strutter Mom", we went to Ihop and had breakfast while the girls got all registered

Strutters 09-10

This is the Strutter Officers (standing up in back) and their Lil Sis'

Haley, Kati and Tayler after their home routine performance

Look at those smiles!

Stretch Lycra performance on Wednesday

This is the entire group before the judges on Wednesday, the girls standing are the ones who got the Sparkle Award.

Trying to get a group photo

Strutter group after all evaluations and performances - showing off their Showcase award

2009 -2010 camp officially over!!

This is both girls on the way home from camp, literally 10 minutes after we left (and after they scarfed down Jack in the Box)

When we got home (about 5pm) - Kati crashed on the couch and was dead to the world until 11pm, when we made her go upstairs to bed. Tayler came home and immediately went upstairs to bed and did not surface again until the next day. I'm not sure they are caught up on their sleep yet.


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