Drill team has started

The girls spent their first week practicing in drill team. This next week they go to drill team camp, so this previous week they were at "pre-camp". They had to learn a "home routine" to take to camp. This morning they had a "show-off" for the parents. It helped them, since it was the first time they performed the routine in front of an audience. They learned this routine in 5 days! As soon as they get to camp Monday morning, the first thing they will have to do is perform their home routine for the judges to evaluate.

Here are a few pictures and 2 videos of the performance. The first video shows the whole group, while the second is focused on Kati. Tayler was at camp this week and learned the routine, but as the manager, she does not perform. In the 1st video, you will see her to the left of your screen - sitting at the table in charge of the music. Kati is to the right in the entire group (I think she is like the 2nd or 3rd girl from the right) - if you watch the zoomed in video of her first, you will get a better idea of where she is in the group.

Mrs. Mayer (director) and Tayler

Tayler showing off her new bag, courtesy of the Booster Club. It says "Strutters" and has her name embroidered on it.

Kati - after performing

Tayler - talking of course :)


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