The Battle of the Volt football game

Friday night Ryan played our cross town rivals - Denton High School Broncos. It was a great game - but a blow out!! Ryan won 52-0. That leaves our record so far this season as undefeated!!

The drill team received the rest of their new uniforms this week as well. They have a different top to be worn with the same skirt/belt. They looked great!

There is also video at the end of Kati's halftime performance.

Victory line waiting for football players

Defensive line hard at work

Tayler's boyfriend Asa (#40) making an awesome tackle!

Giving the evil eye to someone...

Kati practicing before halftime performance

Tayler "passing out" the lycra to the girls.

A lot of us moms shop at the same place :)

Showing us her new uniform

Enough said....

Kati is in the center of the screen (back group of girls) - right in front of the band. She is holding one end of the white lycra.


Anonymous said...
8:19 PM

I enjoyed the video. Not as good as being there but the next best thing.

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