Kati's Providence Christmas celebration

The night after the last playoff game, Providence (our neighborhood) had their annual tree lighting ceremony. It was complete with Santa's village and horse-drawn carriage rides through the 'hood to look at Christmas lights. I was still frozen from the game, so I stayed inside while Kati met up with some friends for the festivities.

Kristina and a toy soldier

Kati, Krystal and Audra waiting on the carriage rides

Kati & Krystal

Krystal & Kati met up with Santa

Kati & Krystal on the carriage

They couldn't fit all of their friends, so Kati just sat on their laps

I tried to get their picture as they passed our house, but my flash went on the fritz (you can see Kati's hand in the white glove waving)

There they go...

Kristina, Kati & Krystal with Santa


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