This past weekend, Ryan High School had their Sadie Hawkins dance. The theme was Dance the Light Away, and the couples were to wear matching shirts. It was all done in neon colors as well....very 80's!!
Kati of course asked her boyfriend Taylor. Our Tayler asked Asa to go and they had plans to go, but at the last minute changed their minds. They went out on a date somewhere else instead.
Kati got ready at home and then went to Taylor's. Their friend Brandon then took them to pick up his date, Megan, and another couple. I sent Kati with my camera to take pictures, since I didn't get to see them all here.

Goofing around in the car (while waiting outside of someone's house...she assures me the car wasn't moving)

They are such a cute couple!!

The girls: Megan, Kati and Morgen

Taylor & Kati in the shirts she had made

They turned out so cute!

Brandon and Megan in their shirts

Theirs were cute too

Morgen and Mitchell - I loved her shirt idea!

They were different and very cute!

The group

I have no idea what Kati is doing to poor Taylor

The girls - there were 3 girls who went together - and had their Single Ladies shirts.

The group again
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