Spring Break Girls trip

Last week was spring break, so the girls and I took a mini vacation.

Bryan spent the week in Artesia, NM training to be a Federal Flight Deck Officer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Flight_Deck_Officer). We (the girls) drove down on Wednesday and spent a few days, before we were to pick him up and come home on Saturday.

We went to Carlsbad and Ruidoso, along with many other small areas along the way. I am going to break this up into different posts for each day, it's just easier on me that way!

On Wednesday, the girls and I left for our long drive to Carlsbad, NM.

Our "On the Road Again" shot...on our way out of town

So much to see out in West Texas!

We made it!

Tayler taking a picture of her and I from the backseat - while I was driving....good times

They were ready to be there!


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