Day 2 - Carlsbad Caverns

So day 2 took us to Carlsbad Caverns. The girls weren't too excited to be in the "desert", but they loved the mountains, even if there wasn't anything "alive" out there. They were excited to go to the Caverns, as none of us had ever been there. It was quite an experience.

Here are some pictures....ok a lot of pictures....

This Cactus had a hat!

Tayler couldn't believe all the cactus out there

Ok...before we go any further.......ET Phone Home....

The girls at the entrance to the caverns

The Natural Entrance to the caves

This is also where the bats fly out at night - in the spring/summer

This is from the inside looking back out

It was very impressive

That Batman can't hide from us!!

This is inside where you can see the last little bit of natural light....also known as....

Tayler wanted to touch the formations so bad....but it was against the rules

This formation is called the Whale's Mouth

Whale's Teeth

Tayler thought this formation looked like a dog laying his head down...

FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY....what do you mean no service?????


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