Homecoming week

Last week was Homecoming week for Ryan High School. It was a very busy and draining week! But it was exciting for the girls.

This post will definitely be picture heavy! There are pictures of the girls and their homecoming mums, the pep rally, and the game.

The first set is Tayler receiving her mum from Asa. His mom made it for her, it was her first attempt. She did a wonderful job!! The joke was made that it wasn't a mum, it was an entry in the Rose Bowl Parade! She was so excited for Tayler to see it, that she brought it over with Asa on night, and took pictures. Tayler also gave Asa his garter that night. His was quite large too, as he is a very active kid! We had tons of stuff to put on it, from his football number, choir, theater, him being a Senior (so his was all white/silver), a PAL, and then some stuff for Tayler too (drill team, French Club).

Asa's mom made the outfit her the bear. I thought it was a very good Strutter Bear!!

We didn't get any pictures of Kati receiving her mum from her Taylor, nor giving him his garter. It was a crazy night when he brought it over, so we dropped the ball on that. But, the morning of homecoming I did get some pictures of it before she left, and then more at the pep rally/game.

Here is Kati's mum:

I especially love the actual mum

The next group of pictures is from the homecoming pep rally....

Jaklyn & Tayler

Asa showing his pom pom talents

Haley & Kati

Sisters with their mums

After the pep rally, I left the camera with Kati at school. It's always funny to see what self portraits her and her friends come up with....

In the dance studio before they left for the game

Kati then took the camera to the game with her (to give back to me). They get to the stadium very early, and have a little time to unwind before everything starts.

All of the Strutters hang their mums on the railing for the game

Before the game started, the Ryan Choir sang the National Anthem. You can see Asa, he's in his football uniform #40.

Due to the Swine flu breakout, several girls were out. Therefore, Tayler got to perform at half time!! She was super excited and did an excellent job!

Her first time in full field uniform

She has grown up so much!

During the 3rd quarter of the game, the girls can have people come visit with them. This was my only opportunity to get some good pictures of Kati & Taylor, and their mum/garter.

Taylor's garter

Great picture - complete with Haley's mom peeking in...

Such a cute couple

Sisters who really do love each other

It sprinkled a little, so they had to put their hat covers on, which always look funny

Jose, Hunter, & Rene intently watching the game. Jose & Rene are Tayler's 2 best friends, and Hunter is one of Kati's friends.

The Ryan Raiders

End of a long day/night....Kati & Haley dancing in the Sonic parking lot. They had tons of extra energy to get out.....at midnight!


Anonymous said...
4:36 PM

Don't let Tayler or Kati go to Aruba.EVER!

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