While Michelle and Cameron were here, we took them out on the boat. Everyone had a great time! Kati and Cameron both have this competitive streak - so they were constantly trash talking each other, and trying to out-do each other. It was really funny to listen to. Everybody got on the tube, the kneeboard and wakeboard. Ok...everyone except myself and Michelle...we are purely spectators. Besides...someone has to take the pictures...right??

Tayler in the am

Kati in the am

Sisters rocking the wind blown look

Cameron's turn on the tube

Kati - showing Cameron her "I'm better than you" face

Watching Kati get ready to wakeboard

She's ready to go

Is she gonna make it up.....?

Not quite (and not gracefully)

It took both girls to show Cameron how to put his feet in the bindings

Cameron's graceful pose

Almost up...

Kati watching....in fear that he will be better than her...

Nope, not that time

She is, no doubt, trash talking right now...

We forgot to tell him that once you get up - you have to keep ahold of the rope

Tayler ready for her turn

Cameron waiting to see if another sister will show him up


Cameron decided to try the kneeboard - it's much easier

Kati and Cameron decided to ride the ONE person tube - together...

They are like 2 little spider monkeys - holding on with those long lean legs

They were actually trying to shove each other off

The face of terror....
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