When Michelle and Cameron were ready to leave our house, Michelle had a moment of temporary insanity (although I am questioning the temporary part) - and decided she wanted to take both girls home with her. After about .0021385 milliseconds of thought - Bryan and I said YES!!! She wasn't sure we'd let them go, but we had their bags packed and had them out the door before she could say please. The girls stayed the week with her and her family in Broken Arrow. I went up the following weekend to bring them home. And....I GOT SUCKERED!! I got there, and they had all decided that it was MY turn to have all the teenagers....so on Sunday when I left to come home, not only did I have Tayler and Kati back, but I also had Cameron and Tyler with me. I'm still trying to figure out how that happened. The week is almost over, and it has been fun. The boys are sooo good, they put my girls to shame. :) It has been an interesting experiment, for her to have the girls and then me to have the boys. We've both decided we are glad we have who we have. She doesn't think she could handle girls, and their constant arguing with each other, and I'm not sure I could handle boys and their.....well....being boys. It has been great watching the kids form bonds with each other, much like she and I have. They all truly feel like they are family, and we are glad for that. It's funny, she and I used to go see each other in the summer (after we moved to Texas), and now our kids are doing it. The torch is being passed I suppose.
Anyway, here is a picture that she took outside of her house. Much like our house, she always has "extra" kids too.
It's us...remember us?
13 years ago
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