Here I was enjoying this nice Friday night with a nap on the couch, when all of a sudden.....things started cracking and popping in the backyard. There were flashes of light too - it was not a pretty sight. Now, the humans in this house know that I do NOT like loud noises, bright flashes of light, or anything that closely resembles chaos (which by the way describes this house almost every day so far this summer...when does school start again?)!! I'm thinking they are trying to scare me and run me off, because they had all sorts of fire, flashes, and loud noises.

Even my mom was sitting way in the back corner of the yard - I know she was just as scared as me. It was horrible. They were all.....laughing!! Can you imagine?? It's like they were taunting and teasing me. I could just hear them, it was just sad.
So, I had to run and hide in my special spot, under mom's clothes in her closet. I scrunched myself up in the corner of the closet as much as I could, and prayed. I prayed for my grandma to come take me to her house....with the old quiet retired people. I know Grandma and Grandpa Herd would NEVER do this to me. They understand that I'm a sensitive old boy who needs lots of sleep, and peace and quiet. I bet they don't have 5 teenage boys and 2 teenage girls in their house playing some stupid football game all day (Mom says something about "Stupid John Madden")!! I bet they'd always have room for me on the couch, instead of getting pushed off so some stinky teenage boy can sit in MY spot! I know that I would never need to hide in their closet, they understand me better. Even my brother Harley was involved in the craziness. He was outside with them - cheering them on - chasing the flashing lights!! I think they must have lured him out with treats. He's a baby, he'll do anything for treats. So much for brotherly love!!
So...Grandma if you are reading this....please come save me!! I tried calling you tonight, but I couldn't find the button on the phone that says "Grandma". I know it's there, I hear mom talking to you all the time. She must have coded it with some other word that I don't understand. I think she's afraid I'll call you to save me all the time.
P.S. - when is this 4th of July craziness over with anyway??
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