Michelle and her son Cameron came into town last week. It had literally been 8 years since we'd seen each other. I think that is the longest stretch we have ever gone without being together - and it was entirely too long!! I need to work on going to see her more - you can't keep a best friend of 29 years for long when you don't make an effort to go see her.
Anyway, her son Cameron had surgery at the Shriner's Hospital in Houston about 7 years ago for a condition called Pectus Excavatum. He had to go back for his yearly check-up, so they came by our house and spent the night. We got up Thursday morning, and Kati and I drove them to Houston. We had a great time on our road trip!! Plus, Kati and Cameron had some good bonding time, since they were little kids last time they saw each other. It was like no time had passed at all, for any of us. Kati and Cameron became instant best friends, and Michelle and I enjoyed just being together.
We came home that night, and they spent the night again. We got up on Friday and all went out on the boat. It was fun watching Cameron learn how to wakeboard and kneeboard, and hear him and Kati trash talking each other about who was better! They even got on the small 1 person tube - together. Of course they spent the entire time trying to knock each other off, it was really funny to watch. Later that day when it was time to leave - Michelle suddenly had a case of temporary insanity....and actually asked if she could take both girls home with her for the week. Bryan and I laughed and said she must be crazy, but she said she really wanted to spend some time with them. So...off she and Cameron went home - with 2 extra passengers! I will be heading up there to pick the girls up next weekend, providing they all survive that long!!
We, of course, took tons of pictures. These are some from my camera. I will post some from her camera once I get them this weekend. She got all of the boat pictures, so they will be coming soon.
It's us...remember us?
13 years ago
Cameron and I had such a great time! Can't wait to do it again. Hmmm....maybe next year? Also, next time when I come, I will save Bryan from being held against his will. The girls and boys are all still alive, I didn't lock them in a closet....yet!
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