Christmas Day at our house

Christmas morning at our house was nice. We didn't have Kaylin this year, so it was just the 4 of us. I was wide awake at about 6am and could not go back to sleep. So Bryan and I got up, before the girls. We came out to the living room and waited for the girls to wake up. I turned on the tv and made as much noise as I could. :) They finally woke up about an hour later and came downstairs.

The girls discovering that Santa brought them a gun (Walther PPK) and a Wii

Scary isn't it??

Harley asking Santa where his presents are

Tayler likes her new Abercrombie bag

Kati likes her new "Uncle Eddie" hat

Hagen gave up and went back to sleep in his bed in the middle of the mayhem

The girls checking out their new laptops

Kati in her new hat, new vest, and new slipper boots - always the fashion statement

Tayler likes it!

Kati does too!

Harley wants some attention


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