We had Christmas with my family on Saturday the 26th. Bryan had to leave for work that morning, so he wasn't there. The girls had to go with their dad that day also, so they were only there for about 2 hours. But, it was a nice day with the rest of the family. We all gathered at Tonya and Jay's house.
Me and the girls (mom always gets us with food)
My nieces Mandie and Jessica
Papa and his girls (all looking thrilled)
My sister Tonya and her husband Jay
My sister Becky (looking thrilled to have her picture taken) and her husband Bob
Jessica, Buddy (as Santa), Tonya, Baby (as Mrs. Cluus) and Jay
Me and my niece Karla
Dobie and Mrs. Claus (aka Baby)
Lucy gave up and took a nap
Mandie taking a picture of me taking a picture of her...
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