We spent Christmas Eve with Bryan's family. We first went to his parents house, where we had Christmas with his parents and his brother's family. After that, we all moved to his Aunt Lisa's house (his mom's sister) for Christmas dinner and Dirty Santa gift exchange with the family. It was a fun, full day! I took a ton of pictures, as usual. :)

Nana and Opa's Christmas tree

Elf Tayler

Santa and his Elf (aka Bryan and his brother Chris)

Loralye is just thrilled with her.....clothes

I'm not sure what is going on in this picture, Tayler is napping, Sadie is trying to escape, and Loralye is climbing on Kati

Cousins - Tayler, Loralye and Kati

Kati's tonsils

Tayler's sexy look

Much better

Kati is a little tired of me taking pictures

Rockstar Loralye with the guitar we got her
Christmas Eve at Lisa and Richards house

Santa Jacob

Tayler & Opa

The dirty santa gift that Bryan got

Liz likes the Tube Shot gift set....I wanted it!

Kati looks thrilled with her Commuter mugs

Tayler and her dirty santa gift

uh-oh...someone is sleepy

She is really ready for this to be over

Loralye is ready to go home and wait on Santa

Opa and his girls

Kati looking happy

Loralye just found out she is going home!

And this is what we came home to....it snowed while we were gone!

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