Jim & Sarah's Retirement Home

Bryan's uncle Jim and his wife Sarah have built their retirement home in Stonewall. This was the purpose of our trip, to see the finished home. It is a gorgeous 3 level home on 6.5 acres in the hillside. From their decks you can see for miles. The pictures really do not do it justice! We saw deer, antelope and wild turkey while out there. It isn't 100% complete yet, the landscaping still needs to be finished. But, it's very close! I didn't get any pictures of the inside of the house - I was too enthralled with the view! Next time we go, I'll get some. It is really a gorgeous place! These pictures were all taken from the decks (all 3 levels) - with the exception of the first picture of the house.


We went down to Stonewall this weekend to see Bryan's family. It is on the Pednerales River. We stopped at the Dam a few miles from his family's property to walk around, Chris, Liz and Loralye were with us. Right on the opposite side of the river is the LBJ Ranch. I had more fun taking pictures than anything else - I know - what a surprise!

Bryan found some soft shelled turtles. He didn't seem to happy too pose for me.

Chris' 36th birthday

Bryan's brother Chris turned 36 on March 21st (man he's old!). He had a birthday dinner at Benihana's. Here are some pictures of his night.

Liz & Chris

Eating dessert

Doing his birthday dance while they sang

Trying to figure out what they are saying

Candace, Mike and Jerry

Phyllis & Bryan


Candace & Mike

Personal space?

What's that? Harley has no clue what "personal space" is. He just lays exactly where he wants. Talk about spoiled!

Who needs bottled water?

Bryan installed a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter system in our garage. It's to make water for the new Reef tank, but it also makes great drinking water. I'm not sure I've ever seen such clear water.


Bryan was out in the backyard last week and spotted this bird in the tree behind our house. We think it's a hawk. This is the closest picture he could get.

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